The Institut du Fer à Moulin (Fer à Moulin Institute, IFM) is a research institute devoted to the study of the development and plasticity of the nervous system.
Discover the research teams of the Institut du Fer à Moulin and check their recent work and last publications.
The photonic imaging service provides researchers with high-performance equipment and scientific expertise in photonic and electron microscopy.
IFM Colloquium 2024 “Signals and Circuit for Motivation and Movement”
The 2024 IFM Colloquium is organized in honor of the career of Jean-Antoine Girault and willfeature 12 keynote speakers. They will address different aspects of neurotransmission and signaling in striatal circuits underlying motivation and movement, both in physiological conditions and in disorders, for example those affecting dopaminergic signaling (including Parkinson’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and drug […]

Neurotransmission and signaling

Francis / Goutebroze
Cortical development and pathology

Plasticity in cortical networks and epilepsy

Cortical migration of interneurons

Roumier / Le Magueresse
Serotonin, Microglia, Plasticity and Disease

Sleep and emotional memory

Stem cells in neurodevelopment and diseases

Pleiotropy of morphogens

Neurodevelopmental disorders
Targeting pathological cells withsenolytic drugs reduces seizures inneurodevelopmental mTOR-related epilepsy
Ribierre T, Bacq A, Donneger F, Doladilhe M, Maletic M, Roussel D, Le Roux I, Chassoux F, Devaux B, Adle-Biassette H, Ferrand-Sorbets S, Dorfmüller G, Chipaux M, Baldassari S, Poncer JC, Baulac S
Nat Neurosci. 2024 May 6
Forebrain Eml1 depletion reveals early centrosomal dysfunction causing subcortical heterotopia
Zaidi D, Chinnappa K, Yigit BN, Viola V, Cifuentes-Diaz C, Jabali A, Uzquiano A, Lemesre E, Perez F, Ladewig J, Ferent J, Ozlu N, Francis F
J Cell Biol. 2024 Dec 2;223(12):e202310157
CXCL12 targets the primary cilium cAMP/cGMP ratio to regulate cell polarity during migration
Atkins M, Wurmser M, Darmon M, Roche F, Nicol X, Métin C.
Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 4;14(1):8003.
Self-organizing models of human trunk organogenesis recapitulate spinal cord and spine co-morphogenesis
Gribaudo S, Robert R, van Sambeek B, Mirdass C, Lyubimova A, Bouhali K, Ferent J, Morin X, van Oudenaarden A, Nedelec S
Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Sep 14.
Brain neural patterns and the memory function of sleep.
Gabrielle Girardeau, Vitor Lopes-Dos-Santos
Science (2021) 374, 560-564


Electron microscopy

Photonic microscopy
Equipment Contact Manager : Theano EirinopoulouTel. : 01 45 87 61 72Email : theano.eirinopoulou[@]inserm.fr

Cell engineering
The cell engineering facility is providing support for the use of human pluripotent stem cells to study neurodevelopment and neurological disorders.