Forget B, Martin Garcia E, Godino A, Domingo Rodriguez L, Kappes V, Poirier P, Andrianarivelo A, Senabre Marchan E, Allichon MC, Marias M, Vanhoutte P, Girault JA, Maldonado R, Caboche J. Mol Psy. (2021) Nov 16.
Publications of the Girault Team
The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 in brain function and neurological and psychiatric diseases.
de Pins B, Mendes T, Giralt A, Girault JA. Front Synaptic Neurosci. (2021) 13:749001.
Pyk2 in dorsal hippocampus plays a selective role in spatial memory and synaptic plasticity.
Mastrolia V, al Massadi O, de Pins B, Girault JA. Sci Rep. (2021) 11(1):16357.
Dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons activity is essential for locomotor and sensitizing effects of a single injection of cocaine.
Nakamura Y, Longueville S, Nishi A, Hervé D, Girault JA, Nakamura Y. Eur J Neurosci. (2021) 54:5327-40.
DARPP-32 40 years later.
Girault JA, Nairn AC. Adv Pharmacol. (2021) 90:67-87.
Long-lasting tagging of neurons activated by seizures or cocaine administration in Egr1-CreERT2 transgenic mice.
Longueville S, Nakamura Y, Brami-Cherrier K, Coura R, Hervé D, Girault JA. Eur J Neurosci. (2021) 53:1450-72.
fMRI detects bilateral brain network activation following unilateral chemogenetic activation of direct striatal projection neurons.
Nakamura Y, Nakamura Y, Pelosi A, Djemai B, Debacker C, Hervé D, Girault JA, Tsurugizawa T. NeuroImage. (2020) 220:117079.
Astrocytic BDNF and TrkB regulate severity and neuronal activity in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Fernández-García S, Sancho-Balsells A, Longueville S, Hervé D, Gruart A, Delgado-García JM, Alberch J, Giralt A. Cell Death Dis. (2020) 11:411.
A regulatory pathway linking caffeine action, mood and the diurnal clock.
Trautmann C, Burek D, Hübner CA, Girault JA, Engmann O. Neuropharmacol. (2020) 172:108133.
Functional and molecular heterogeneity of D2R neurons along dorsal ventral axis in the striatum.
Puighermanal E, Castell L, Esteve-Codina A, Melser S, Kaganovsky K, Zussy C, Boubaker-Vitre J, Gut M, Rialle S, Kellendonk C, Sanz E, Quintana A, Marsicano G, Martin M, Rubinstein M, Girault JA, Ding JB, Valjent E. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 23;11(1):1957.
The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 modulates acute locomotor effects of cocaine in D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the nucleus accumbens.
de Pins B, Montalban E, Vanhoutte P, Giralt A, Girault JA. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 20;10(1):6619.
Epigenetic tinkering with neurotransmitters.
Girault JA. Science. 2020 Apr 10;368(6487):134-135.