Canali G, Goutebroze L. J Exp Neurosci. 2018 Nov 9;12:1179069518809666.
Publications de l'équipe Francis / Goutebroze
Microtubule architecture in vitro and in cells revealed by cryo-electron tomography.
Atherton J, Stouffer M, Francis F, Moores CA. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2018 Jun 1;74(Pt 6):572-584.
Genetic variants in autism-related CNTNAP2 impair axonal growth of cortical neurons.
Canali G, Garcia M, Hivert B, Pinatel D, Goullancourt A, Oguievetskaia K, Saint-Martin M, Girault JA, Faivre-Sarrailh C, Goutebroze L. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Jun 1;27(11):1941-1954.
Cortical progenitor biology: key features mediating proliferation versus differentiation.
Uzquiano A, Gladwyn-Ng I, Nguyen L, Reiner O, Götz M, Matsuzaki F, Francis F.
Tubulin diversity and neuronal migration.
Francis F, Belvindrah R. Cell Cycle. 2018;17(4):405-406.
Eml1 loss impairs apical progenitor spindle length and soma shape in the developing cerebral cortex.
Bizzotto S, Uzquiano A, Dingli F, Ershov D, Houllier A, Arras G, Richards M, Loew D, Minc N, Croquelois A, Houdusse A, Francis F. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 11;7(1):17308.
Ciliogenesis and cell cycle alterations contribute to KIF2A-related malformations of cortical development.
Broix L, Asselin L, Silva CG, Ivanova EL, Tilly P, Gilet JG, Lebrun N5, Jagline H, Muraca G, Saillour Y, Drouot N, Reilly ML, Francis F, Benmerah A, Bahi-Buisson N, Belvindrah R, Nguyen L, Godin JD, Chelly J, Hinckelmann MV. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Jan 15;27(2):224-238.
Genetics and mechanisms leading to human cortical malformations.
Romero DM, Bahi-Buisson N, Francis F. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 Apr;76:33-75.
Mutation of the α-tubulin Tuba1a leads to straighter microtubules and perturbs neuronal migration.
Belvindrah R, Natarajan K, Shabajee P, Bruel-Jungerman E, Bernard J, Goutierre M, Moutkine I, Jaglin XH, Savariradjane M, Irinopoulou T, Poncer JC, Janke C, Francis F. J Cell Biol. 2017 Aug 7;216(8):2443-2461.
Early born neurons are abnormally positioned in the doublecortin knockout hippocampus.
Khalaf-Nazzal R, Stouffer MA, Olaso R, Muresan L, Roumegous A, Lavilla V, Carpentier W, Moutkine I, Dumont S, Albaud B, Cagnard N, Roest Crollius H, Francis F. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 Jan 1;26(1):90-108.
Schwannomin-interacting Protein 1 Isoform IQCJ-SCHIP1 Is a Multipartner Ankyrin- and Spectrin-binding Protein Involved in the Organization of Nodes of Ranvier.
Martin PM, Cifuentes-Diaz C, Devaux J, Garcia M, Bureau J, Thomasseau S, Klingler E, Girault JA, Goutebroze L. J Biol Chem. 2017 Feb 10;292(6):2441-2456.
Assembly of juxtaparanodes in myelinating DRG culture: Differential clustering of the Kv1/Caspr2 complex and scaffolding protein 4.1B.
Bruno Hivert, Delphine Pinatel, Marilyne Labasque, Nicolas Tricaud, Laurence Goutebroze, Catherine Faivre-Sarrailh Glia. 2016 May;64(5):840-52.