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- Targeting pathological cells withsenolytic drugs reduces seizures inneurodevelopmental mTOR-related epilepsy
- Differential Effect of Aldosterone or Mineralocorticoid Receptor Overexpression on Retinal Inflammation
- Radial glia progenitor polarity in health and disease
- Forebrain Eml1 depletion reveals early centrosomal dysfunction causing subcortical heterotopia
- In Memoriam: Richard Miles: Neuroscience network has lost a key synapse
- PAK3 activation promotes the tangential to radial migration switch of cortical interneurons by increasing leading process dynamics and disrupting cell polarity
- CXCL12 targets the primary cilium cAMP/cGMP ratio to regulate cell polarity during migration
- A class-specific effect of dysmyelination on the excitability of hippocampal interneurons
- Hippocampal and neocortical BRAF mutant non-expansive lesions in focal epilepsies
- Grey matter heterotopia subtypes show specific morpho-electric signatures and network dynamics
- Self-organizing models of human trunk organogenesis recapitulate spinal cord and spine co-morphogenesis
- PYK2, a hub of signaling networks in breast cancer progression
- Operant training for highly palatable food alters translating mRNA in nucleus accumbens D2 neurons and reveals a modulatory role of Neurochondrin
- 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptor interaction and co-clustering regulate serotonergic neuron excitability
- BDNF/TrkB pathway activation in D1 receptor-expressing striatal projection neurons plays a protective role against L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
- Role of purines in brain development, from neuronal proliferation to synaptic refinement
- Serotonin sensing by microglia conditions the proper development of neuronal circuits and of social and adaptive skills
- Adult-specific Reelin expression alters striatal neuronal organization: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders
- A human dynein heavy chain mutation impacts cortical progenitor cells causing developmental defects, reduced brain size and altered brain architecture
- Cognitive and Emotional Symptoms Induced by Chronic Stress Are Regulated by EGR1 in a Subpopulation of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons
- Differential impacts of Cntnap2 heterozygosity and Cntnap2 null homozygosity on axon and myelinated fiber development in mouse
- Lateral Diffusion of NKCC1 Contributes to Chloride Homeostasis in Neurons and Is Rapidly Regulated by the WNK Signaling Pathway
- Establishing Hedgehog Gradients during Neural Development
- DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation characterize the identity of D1 and D2 striatal projection neurons
- Conformational state-dependent regulation of GABAA receptor diffusion and subsynaptic domains
- First quantitative dosages: Strong correlations between non-5-HT2Rs serotonin receptors on normal human heart valves
- Targeting the brain 5-HT7 receptor to prevent hypomyelination in a rodent model of perinatal white matter injuries
- Silencing KCC2 in mouse dorsal hippocampus compromises spatial and contextual memory
- Primary Cilia Influence Progenitor Function during Cortical Development.
- Inflammation and Autophagy: A Convergent Point between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)-Related Genetic and Environmental Factors: Focus on Aluminum Adjuvants.
- Plea for a Simple But Radical Change in Scientific Publication: To Improve Openness, Reliability, and Reproducibility, Let's Deposit and Validate Our Results before Writing Articles
- RAB6 and dynein drive post-Golgi apical transport to prevent neuronal progenitor delamination
- PYK2 senses calcium through a disordered dimerization and calmodulin-binding element
- Editorial: Functional Aspects of Mesoscopic Brain Oscillations: Insights From in vivo and in vitro Studies.
- How the brain gets rid of supernumerary synapses during development.
- Hippocampal Egr1-Dependent Neuronal Ensembles Negatively Regulate Motor Learning.
- Novel role of the synaptic scaffold protein Dlgap4 in ventricular surface integrity and neuronal migration during cortical development
- Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography
- Doublecortin mutation leads to persistent defects in the Golgi apparatus and mitochondria in adult hippocampal pyramidal cells
- Human cerebral organoids reveal progenitor pathology in EML1-linked cortical malformation
- Pyk2 regulates MAMs and mitochondrial dynamics in hippocampal neurons.
- Synaptic inhibition in the lateral habenula shapes reward anticipation.
- Epilepsy related to focal neuronal lipofuscinosis: extra-frontal localization, EEG signatures and GABA involvement
- Translational profiling of mouse dopaminoceptive neurons reveals region-specific gene expression, exon usage, and striatal PGE2 modulatory effects.
- CADPS functional mutations in patients with bipolar disorder increase the sensitivity to stress.
- Heterozygous Dcc Mutant Mice Have a Subtle Locomotor Phenotype
- Mouse modeling dissecting macrophage-breast cancer communication uncovered roles of PYK2 in macrophage recruitment and breast cancer growth.
- Mild stress accumulation limits GABAergic synaptic plasticity in the lateral habenula.
- The metabolic and redox signaling of the nucleoredoxin-like 2 gene supports brain function
- Gephyrin interacts with the K-Cl co-transporter KCC2 to regulate its surface expression and function in cortical neurons
- Cell type- and region-specific modulation of cocaine seeking by micro-RNA-1 in striatal projection neurons.
- Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development
- Brain neural patterns and the memory function of sleep.
- The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 in brain function and neurological and psychiatric diseases.
- Lis1 mutation prevents basal radial glia-like cell production in the mouse.
- Ultrastructural Evidence for Oxytocin and Oxytocin Receptor at the Spinal Dorsal Horn: Mechanism of Nociception Modulation
- Pyk2 in dorsal hippocampus plays a selective role in spatial memory and synaptic plasticity.
- Dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons activity is essential for locomotor and sensitizing effects of a single injection of cocaine.
- Elevated expression of complement C4 in the mouse prefrontal cortex causes schizophrenia-associated phenotypes
- Dynamic extrinsic pacing of the HOX clock in human axial progenitors controls motor neuron subtype specification
- Serotonin 2B Receptor by Interacting with NMDA Receptor and CIPP Protein Complex May Control Structural Plasticity at Glutamatergic Synapses
- Dorsal raphe serotonin neurotransmission is required for the expression of nursing behavior and for pup survival
- DARPP-32 40 years later.
- In vitro models of spinal motor circuit's development in mammals: achievements and challenges.
- The Multifaceted Roles of KCC2 in Cortical Development
- Mapping the molecular and cellular complexity of cortical malformations
- Targeting 5-HT2B Receptor Signaling Prevents Border Zone Expansion and Improves Microstructural Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction
- International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CX. Classification of Receptors for 5-hydroxytryptamine; Pharmacology and Function
- Long-lasting tagging of neurons activated by seizures or cocaine administration in Egr1-CreERT2 transgenic mice.
- Extracellular Control of Radial Glia Proliferation and Scaffolding During Cortical Development and Pathology
- YIF1B mutations cause a post-natal neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with Golgi and primary cilium alterations
- Neuronal migration and disorders - an update
- The serotonin 2B receptor is required in neonatal microglia to limit neuroinflammation and sickness behavior in adulthood
- An Etiological Foxp2 Mutation Impairs Neuronal Gain in Layer VI Cortico-Thalamic Cells through Increased GABAB/GIRK Signaling
- Molecular Crowding and Diffusion-Capture in Synapses.
- fMRI detects bilateral brain network activation following unilateral chemogenetic activation of direct striatal projection neurons.
- Direct Readout of Neural Stem Cell Transgenesis with an Integration-Coupled Gene Expression Switch.
- Astrocytic BDNF and TrkB regulate severity and neuronal activity in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy.
- A regulatory pathway linking caffeine action, mood and the diurnal clock.
- Regulation of microglia by neuromodulators: Modulations in major and minor modes.
- Functional and molecular heterogeneity of D2R neurons along dorsal ventral axis in the striatum.
- The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 modulates acute locomotor effects of cocaine in D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the nucleus accumbens.
- Epigenetic tinkering with neurotransmitters.
- Serotonin (5-HT) Shapes the Macrophage Gene Profile through the 5-HT2B-Dependent Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor.
- How early life impacts emotional behaviour in adulthood.
- Dynamics and organization of proteins in the neuronal plasma membrane.
- Differential Membrane Binding and Seeding of Distinct α-Synuclein Fibrillar Polymorphs
- Cation-chloride cotransporters and the polarity of GABA signalling in mouse hippocampal parvalbumin interneurons.
- Long-term development of human iPSC-derived pyramidal neurons quantified after transplantation into the neonatal mouse cortex.
- Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates anxiety and memory in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice.
- The Ciliary Protein Arl13b Functions Outside of the Primary Cilium in Shh-Mediated Axon Guidance
- EML1-associated brain overgrowth syndrome with ribbon-like heterotopia.
- Exacerbation of C1q dysregulation, synaptic loss and memory deficits in tau pathology linked to neuronal adenosine A2A receptor.
- FIGNL1 associates with KIF1Bβ and BICD1 to restrict dynein transport velocity during axon navigation.
- Emerging Roles of Complement in Psychiatric Disorders.
- Genes and Mechanisms Involved in the Generation and Amplification of Basal Radial Glial Cells.
- TBR2 coordinates neurogenesis expansion and precise microcircuit organization via Protocadherin 19 in the mammalian cortex.
- Early-life stress impairs postnatal oligodendrogenesis and adult emotional behaviour through activity-dependent mechanisms.
- Mutations in the Heterotopia Gene Eml1/EML1 Severely Disrupt the Formation of Primary Cilia.
- KCC2 Regulates Neuronal Excitability and Hippocampal Activity via Interaction with Task-3 Channels.
- BMP4 patterns Smad activity and generates stereotyped cell fate organization in spinal organoids.
- Differential enhancement of ERK, PKA and Ca2+ signaling in direct and indirect striatal neurons of Parkinsonian mice.
- Morphine withdrawal recruits lateral habenula cytokine signaling to reduce synaptic excitation and sociability.
- Withdrawal: Discrepancy in insulin regulation between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) platelets and placenta
- Anticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects of system x−c inactivation in chronic epilepsy models.
- The neuroanatomy of Eml1 knockout mice, a model of subcortical heterotopia.
- Selective Axonal Expression of the Kv1 Channel Complex in Pre-myelinated GABAergic Hippocampal Neurons.
- Topographical cues control the morphology and dynamics of migrating cortical interneurons.
- Protein interacting with Amyloid Precursor Protein tail-1 (PAT1) is involved in early endocytosis.
- Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Dysfunction Contributes to Depressive-like Behaviors in Huntington's Disease by Altering the DARPP-32 Phosphorylation Status in the Nucleus Accumbens.
- Boc Acts via Numb as a Shh-Dependent EndocyticPlatform for Ptch1 Internalization and Shh-MediatedAxon Guidance
- The Shh receptor Boc is important for myelin formation and repair
- Genetic and pharmacological manipulation of glial glutamate transporters does not alter infection-induced seizure activity.
- ATP6AP2 variant impairs CNS development and neuronal survival to cause fulminant neurodegeneration.
- AUTS2 isoforms control neuronal differentiation.
- Rotatin' the phenotypes.
- Expression of Concern: Discrepancy in insulin regulation between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) platelets and placenta
- Enhanced Renewal of Erythroid Progenitors in Myelodysplastic Anemia by Peripheral Serotonin.
- KCC2 membrane diffusion tunes neuronal chloride homeostasis.
- Reciprocal Regulation of KCC2 Trafficking and Synaptic Activity.
- PKR knockout in the 5xFAD model of Alzheimer's disease reveals beneficial effects on spatial memory and brain lesions.
- Mice carrying a humanized Foxp2 knock-in allele show region-specific shifts of striatal Foxp2 expression levels.
- Two-photon Imaging of Microglial Processes' Attraction Toward ATP or Serotonin in Acute Brain Slices.
- Punishment-Predictive Cues Guide Avoidance through Potentiation of Hypothalamus-to-Habenula Synapses.
- Conditional BDNF Delivery from Astrocytes Rescues Memory Deficits, Spine Density, and Synaptic Properties in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease.
- The Ciliopathy Gene Ftm/Rpgrip1l Controls Mouse Forebrain Patterning via Region-Specific Modulation of Hedgehog/Gli Signaling.
- RPGRIP1L is required for stabilizing epidermal keratinocyte adhesion through regulating desmoglein endocytosis.
- Dimers of serotonin receptors: Impact on ligand affinity and signaling.
- Pyk2 in the amygdala modulates chronic stress sequelae via PSD-95-related micro-structural changes.
- Clustering of Tau fibrils impairs the synaptic composition of α3-Na+/K+-ATPase and AMPA receptors.
- Somato-Dendritic Regulation of Raphe Serotonin Neurons; A Key to Antidepressant Action.
- Ghrelin and food reward.
- A positive association between a polymorphism in the HTR2B gene and cocaine-crack in a French Afro-Caribbean population.
- GLS1 Mutant Mice Display Moderate Alterations of Hippocampal Glutamatergic Neurotransmission Associated with Specific Adaptive Behavioral Changes.
- CNTNAP2 Heterozygous Missense Variants: Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Other Pathologies?
- Serotonin in retina.
- Frontiers of Serotonin Beyond the Brain.
- Altered social behavior in mice carrying a cortical Foxp2 deletion.
- SSRIs target prefrontal to raphe circuits during development modulating synaptic connectivity and emotional behavior.
- Regulation of raphe serotonin neurons by serotonin 1A and 2B receptors.
- Evolutionary considerations on 5-HT2 receptors.
- Adiporon, an adiponectin receptor agonist acts as an antidepressant and metabolic regulator in a mouse model of depression.
- The Barnes Maze Task Reveals Specific Impairment of Spatial Learning Strategy in the Intrahippocampal Kainic Acid Model for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
- Lateral Habenula Gone Awry in Depression: Bridging Cellular Adaptations With Therapeutics.
- Polarized Dock Activity Drives Shh-Mediated Axon Guidance
- Translational studies support a role for serotonin 2B receptor (HTR2B) gene in aggression-related cannabis response.
- Microtubule architecture in vitro and in cells revealed by cryo-electron tomography.
- PTK2B/Pyk2 overexpression improves a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
- Genetic variants in autism-related CNTNAP2 impair axonal growth of cortical neurons.
- Constraints on somatosensory map development: mutants lead the way.
- Genetic deletion of xCT attenuates peripheral and central inflammation and mitigates LPS-induced sickness and depressive-like behavior in mice.
- Inhibition of astroglial connexin43 hemichannels with TAT-Gap19 exerts anticonvulsant effects in rodents.
- Hedgehog: A Key Signaling in the Development of the Oligodendrocyte Lineage
- Cortical progenitor biology: key features mediating proliferation versus differentiation.
- In Vitro Models to Analyze the Migration of MGE-Derived Interneurons.
- Sequences Flanking the Gephyrin-Binding Site of GlyRβ Tune Receptor Stabilization at Synapses.
- Tubulin diversity and neuronal migration.
- Positive regulation of raphe serotonin neurons by serotonin 2B receptors.
- Activity-Dependent Inhibitory Synapse Scaling Is Determined by Gephyrin Phosphorylation and Subsequent Regulation of GABAA Receptor Diffusion.
- Microglia Gone Rogue: Impacts on Psychiatric Disorders across the Lifespan.
- Functional Principles of Posterior Septal Inputs to the Medial Habenula.
- Cocaine conditioned place preference: unexpected suppression of preference due to testing combined with strong conditioning.
- Eml1 loss impairs apical progenitor spindle length and soma shape in the developing cerebral cortex.
- A Simple and Powerful Analysis of Lateral Subdiffusion Using Single Particle Tracking.
- GABAA receptor dependent synaptic inhibition rapidly tunes KCC2 activity via the Cl--sensitive WNK1 kinase.
- Nicotinic receptors mediate stress-nicotine detrimental interplay via dopamine cells' activity.
- 6 Hz corneal kindling in mice triggers neurobehavioral comorbidities accompanied by relevant changes in c-Fos immunoreactivity throughout the brain.
- Necdin shapes serotonergic development and SERT activity modulating breathing in a mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome.
- Ciliogenesis and cell cycle alterations contribute to KIF2A-related malformations of cortical development.
- Limiting habenular hyperactivity ameliorates maternal separation-driven depressive-like symptoms.
- Serotonin neuron development: shaping molecular and structural identities.
- Adaptive Control of Dorsal Raphe by 5-HT4 in the Prefrontal Cortex Prevents Persistent Hypophagia following Stress.
- RORα Coordinates Thalamic and Cortical Maturation to Instruct Barrel Cortex Development.
- Cadherin-13 Deficiency Increases Dorsal Raphe 5-HT Neuron Density and Prefrontal Cortex Innervation in the Mouse Brain.
- Genetics and mechanisms leading to human cortical malformations.
- Serotonin 2B Receptors in Mesoaccumbens Dopamine Pathway Regulate Cocaine Responses.
- Conserved rules in embryonic development of cortical interneurons.
- Molecular genetics of the transcription factor GLIS3 identifies its dual function in beta cells and neurons.
- Reactivations of emotional memory in the hippocampus-amygdala system during sleep.
- Slc7a11 (xCT) protein expression is not altered in the depressed brain and system xc- deficiency does not affect depression-associated behaviour in the corticosterone mouse model.
- Aversive stimuli drive hypothalamus-to-habenula excitation to promote escape behavior.
- Neural circuit adaptations during drug withdrawal - Spotlight on the lateral habenula.
- The BEACH Protein LRBA Promotes the Localization of the Heterotrimeric G-protein Golf to Olfactory Cilia.
- The role of 5-HT2B receptors in mitral valvulopathy: bone marrow mobilization of endothelial progenitors.
- Microglia control the glycinergic but not the GABAergic synapses via prostaglandin E2 in the spinal cord.
- Auditory cortex interneuron development requires cadherins operating hair-cell mechanoelectrical transduction.
- Loss of Dcc in the spinal cord is sufficient to cause a deficit in lateralized motor control and the switch to a hopping gait
- Mutation of the α-tubulin Tuba1a leads to straighter microtubules and perturbs neuronal migration.
- RIM1/2 in retinal ganglion cells are required for the refinement of ipsilateral axons and eye-specific segregation.
- Refining the Role of 5-HT in Postnatal Development of Brain Circuits.
- Pyk2 modulates hippocampal excitatory synapses and contributes to cognitive deficits in a Huntington's disease model.
- Heterozygous Gnal Mice Are a Novel Animal Model with Which to Study Dystonia Pathophysiology.
- Associations of the Intellectual Disability Gene MYT1L with Helix-Loop-Helix Gene Expression, Hippocampus Volume and Hippocampus Activation During Memory Retrieval.
- Specific Connectivity and Unique Molecular Identity of MET Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Expressing Serotonergic Neurons in the Caudal Dorsal Raphe Nuclei.
- Cocaine, cadherins and synaptic plasticity.
- A mutant with bilateral whisker to barrel inputs unveils somatosensory mapping rules in the cerebral cortex.
- Helios expression coordinates the development of a subset of striatopallidal medium spiny neurons.
- Caloric Restriction Protects against Lactacystin-Induced Degeneration of Dopamine Neurons Independent of the Ghrelin Receptor.
- Heterodimers of serotonin receptor subtypes 2 are driven by 5-HT2C protomers.
- EphrinA5 Signaling Is Required for the Distinctive Targeting of Raphe Serotonin Neurons in the Forebrain.
- Serotonin transporter protects the placental cells against apoptosis in caspase 3-independent pathway.
- Zonisamide attenuates lactacystin-induced parkinsonism in mice without affecting system xc.
- Cardiovascular remodeling and the peripheral serotonergic system.
- Early born neurons are abnormally positioned in the doublecortin knockout hippocampus.
- Glutamate Counteracts Dopamine/PKA Signaling via Dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 Ser-97 and Alteration of Its Cytonuclear Distribution.
- Schwannomin-interacting Protein 1 Isoform IQCJ-SCHIP1 Is a Multipartner Ankyrin- and Spectrin-binding Protein Involved in the Organization of Nodes of Ranvier.
- Footshock-induced plasticity of GABAB signalling in the lateral habenula requires dopamine and glucocorticoid receptors.
- New therapeutic opportunities for 5-HT2 receptor ligands.
- [Pulmonary arterial hypertension, bone marrow, endothelial cell precursors and serotonin].
- Anatomical and molecular characterization of dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the mouse CA1 dorsal hippocampus.
- Electrotonic Coupling in the Pituitary Supports the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in a Sex Specific Manner.
- Dendritic diameter influences the rate and magnitude of hippocampal cAMP and PKA transients during β-adrenergic receptor activation.
- Acute drug-induced spine changes in the nucleus accumbens are dependent on β-adducin.
- Constitutive and Acquired Serotonin Deficiency Alters Memory and Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity.
- Shifted pallidal co-release of GABA and glutamate in habenula drives cocaine withdrawal and relapse.
- Hippocampo-cortical coupling mediates memory consolidation during sleep.
- Data in support of the identification of neuronal and astrocyte proteins interacting with extracellularly applied oligomeric and fibrillar α-synuclein assemblies by mass spectrometry.
- The Role of Synaptopodin in Membrane Protein Diffusion in the Dendritic Spine Neck.
- Assembly of juxtaparanodes in myelinating DRG culture: Differential clustering of the Kv1/Caspr2 complex and scaffolding protein 4.1B.
- Rescue of GABAB and GIRK function in the lateral habenula by protein phosphatase 2A inhibition ameliorates depression-like phenotypes in mice.
- Doublecortin (DCX) is not Essential for Survival and Differentiation of Newborn Neurons in the Adult Mouse Dentate Gyrus.
- Dopamine D2 receptors gate generalization of conditioned threat responses through mTORC1 signaling in the extended amygdala.
- Serotonin neurons in a dish.
- Serotonin 2B receptor slows disease progression and prevents degeneration of spinal cord mononuclear phagocytes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Mice lacking the serotonin 5-HT2B receptor as an animal model of resistance to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants.
- Bidirectional Control of Synaptic GABAAR Clustering by Glutamate and Calcium.
- A translational systems biology approach in both animals and humans identifies a functionally related module of accumbal genes involved in the regulation of reward processing and binge drinking in males.
- Cellules souches neurales et signalisation Notch
- Pyk2 is essential for astrocytes mobility following brain lesion.
- DARPP-32 interaction with adducin may mediate rapid environmental effects on striatal neurons.
- KCC2 Gates Activity-Driven AMPA Receptor Traffic through Cofilin Phosphorylation.
- Ventral Subiculum Stimulation Promotes Persistent Hyperactivity of Dopamine Neurons and Facilitates Behavioral Effects of Cocaine.
- Multiscale single-cell analysis reveals unique phenotypes of raphe 5-HT neurons projecting to the forebrain.
- You are not alone: selecting your group members and leading an outstanding research team.
- The Catalytic Efficiency of Lipin 1β Increases by Physically Interacting with the Proto-oncoprotein c-Fos.
- Selective Effects of PDE10A Inhibitors on Striatopallidal Neurons Require Phosphatase Inhibition by DARPP-32.
- The Impact of Neuroimmune Alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Unilateral Lesion of Dopamine Neurons Induces Grooming Asymmetry in the Mouse.
- α-synuclein assemblies sequester neuronal α3-Na+/K+-ATPase and impair Na+ gradient.
- Neuronal migration disorders: Focus on the cytoskeleton and epilepsy.
- Your ticket to independence: a guide to getting your first principal investigator position.
- Cortical interneurons migrating on a pure substrate of N-cadherin exhibit fast synchronous centrosomal and nuclear movements and reduced ciliogenesis.
- Contribution of serotonin to cardiac remodeling associated with hypertensive diastolic ventricular dysfunction in rats.
- Thalamic WNT3 Secretion Spatiotemporally Regulates the Neocortical Ribosome Signature and mRNA Translation to Specify Neocortical Cell Subtypes.
- [Contribution of synaptic release mechanisms to the building of sensory maps].
- How to awaken your nanomachines: Site-specific activation of focal adhesion kinases through ligand interactions.
- The role of primary cilia in corpus callosum formation is mediated by production of the Gli3 repressor.
- [Hell after the pleasure: drug-induced negative symptoms involve lateral habenula].
- The cytoskeleton-associated protein SCHIP1 is involved in axon guidance, and is required for piriform cortex and anterior commissure development.
- CK2-regulated schwannomin-interacting protein IQCJ-SCHIP-1 association with AnkG contributes to the maintenance of the axon initial segment.
- Mice Lacking the Serotonin Htr2B Receptor Gene Present an Antipsychotic-Sensitive Schizophrenic-Like Phenotype
- Serotonin Modulates Developmental Microglia via 5-HT2B Receptors: Potential Implication during Synaptic Refinement of Retinogeniculate Projections.
- A critical and previously unsuspected role for doublecortin at the neuromuscular junction in mouse and human.
- Dopaminergic regulation of olfactory type G-protein α subunit expression in the striatum.
- PKA-dependent phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 does not correlate with translation efficiency in striatonigral and striatopallidal medium-sized spiny neurons.
- Morphological and functional aspects of progenitors perturbed in cortical malformations.
- Dendritic geometry shapes neuronal cAMP signalling to the nucleus.
- Cocaine-evoked negative symptoms require AMPA receptor trafficking in the lateral habenula.
- Gene expression analyses identify Narp contribution in the development of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia.
- [Mutations in Eml1/EML1 lead to ectopic progenitors and neuronal heterotopia in mouse and human].
- GDM-associated insulin deficiency hinders the dissociation of SERT from ERp44 and down-regulates placental 5-HT uptake.
- Conditional anterograde tracing reveals distinct targeting of individual serotonin cell groups (B5-B9) to the forebrain and brainstem.
- Conformational dynamics of the focal adhesion targeting domain control specific functions of focal adhesion kinase in cells.
- [Cilia and neuronal migrations].
- Combinatorial analysis of developmental cues efficiently converts human pluripotent stem cells into multiple neuronal subtypes.
- Attractive action of FGF-signaling contributes to the postnatal developing hippocampus.
- Brain-specific Foxp1 deletion impairs neuronal development and causes autistic-like behavior.
- Targeting the cis-dimerization of LINGO-1 with low MW compounds affects its downstream signalling
- Genetic activation of Hedgehog signaling unbalances the rate of neural stem cell renewal by increasing symmetric divisions
- Mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1 is required for specific signaling responses in dopamine-denervated mouse striatum, but is not necessary for L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia.
- Humanized Foxp2 accelerates learning by enhancing transitions from declarative to procedural performance.
- Activity dependent mechanisms of visual map formation--from retinal waves to molecular regulators.
- An organotypic brain slice preparation from adult patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
- Cilia: traffic directors along the road of cortical development.
- Division symétrique ou division asymétrique : Sonic Hedgehog contrôle le destin des cellules souches neurales adultes
- The transcription factor Fezf2 directs the differentiation of neural stem cells in the subventricular zone toward a cortical phenotype.
- MicroRNAs establish robustness and adaptability of a critical gene network to regulate progenitor fate decisions during cortical neurogenesis.
- Benzodiazepine ligands rapidly influence GABAA receptor diffusion and clustering at hippocampal inhibitory synapses.
- Long-term modifications of epileptogenesis and hippocampal rhythms after prolonged hyperthermic seizures in the mouse.
- Mutations in Eml1 lead to ectopic progenitors and neuronal heterotopia in mouse and human.
- Dampened hippocampal oscillations and enhanced spindle activity in an asymptomatic model of developmental cortical malformations.
- Hedgehog: Multiple Paths for Multiple Roles in Shaping the Brain and Spinal Cord
- Learning-induced plasticity regulates hippocampal sharp wave-ripple drive.
- Fluorescence-activated sorting of fixed nuclei: a general method for studying nuclei from specific cell populations that preserves post-translational modifications.
- The lateral habenula in addiction and depression: an anatomical, synaptic and behavioral overview.
- Reversed theta sequences of hippocampal cell assemblies during backward travel.
- Neuronal migration and its disorders affecting the CA3 region.
- FAK dimerization controls its kinase-dependent functions at focal adhesions.
- Role of the plasticity-associated transcription factor zif268 in the early phase of instrumental learning.
- Haloperidol-induced Nur77 expression in striatopallidal neurons is under the control of protein phosphatase 1 regulation by DARPP-32.
- Transcriptome sequencing during mouse brain development identifies long non-coding RNAs functionally involved in neurogenic commitment.
- N-cadherin sustains motility and polarity of future cortical interneurons during tangential migration.
- Beta tubulin isoforms are not interchangeable for rescuing impaired radial migration due to Tubb3 knockdown.
- Role of the N-terminal region in G protein-coupled receptor functions: negative modulation revealed by 5-HT2B receptor polymorphisms.
- A serotonin-induced N-glycan switch regulates platelet aggregation.
- Serotonin 2B receptor (5-HT2B R) signals through prostacyclin and PPAR-ß/δ in osteoblasts.
- Activity-dependent regulation of the K/Cl transporter KCC2 membrane diffusion, clustering, and function in hippocampal neurons.
- Organelle and cellular abnormalities associated with hippocampal heterotopia in neonatal doublecortin knockout mice.
- Adenosine receptor antagonists including caffeine alter fetal brain development in mice.
- Synergistic binding of transcription factors to cell-specific enhancers programs motor neuron identity.
- Investigation of the proteolipid protein promoter activity during demyelination and repair
- Hippocampal development - old and new findings.
- Analysis of adult neurogenesis: evidence for a prominent "non-neurogenic" DCX-protein pool in rodent brain.
- Differential effects of cocaine on histone posttranslational modifications in identified populations of striatal neurons.
- Mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1, KIF5C and KIF2A cause malformations of cortical development and microcephaly.
- Molecular and functional characterization of GAD67-expressing, newborn granule cells in mouse dentate gyrus.
- Striatal neurones have a specific ability to respond to phasic dopamine release.
- Control of ALK (wild type and mutated forms) phosphorylation: specific role of the phosphatase PTP1B.
- Genetically-modified human pluripotent stem cells: new hopes for the understanding and the treatment of neurological diseases?
- GABAergic interneurons shape the functional maturation of the cortex.
- Mutation of the diamond-blackfan anemia gene Rps7 in mouse results in morphological and neuroanatomical phenotypes.
- Overexpression of 5-hydroxytryptamine 2B receptor gene in pulmonary hypertension: still a long way to understand its transcriptional regulation.
- Sonic Hedgehog signaling is a positive oligodendrocyte regulator during demyelination
- New insights into genotype-phenotype correlations for the doublecortin-related lissencephaly spectrum.
- Input-specific learning rules at excitatory synapses onto hippocampal parvalbumin-expressing interneurons.
- Tangentially migrating neurons assemble a primary cilium that promotes their reorientation to the cortical plate.
- Nat Genet. 2013 Jan;45(1):88-92.
- Connexin45 modulates the proliferation of transit-amplifying precursor cells in the mouse subventricular zone.
- 5-HT(6) receptor recruitment of mTOR as a mechanism for perturbed cognition in schizophrenia.
- p27(Kip1) is a microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule polymerization during neuron migration.
- Cocaine evokes projection-specific synaptic plasticity of lateral habenula neurons.
- Expanding the spectrum of TUBA1A-related cortical dysgenesis to Polymicrogyria.
- Presynaptic but not postsynaptic GABA signaling at unitary mossy fiber synapses.
- Diffusion barriers constrain receptors at synapses.
- Vezatin is essential for dendritic spine morphogenesis and functional synaptic maturation.
- Focal adhesion kinase splice variants maintain primitive acute myeloid leukemia cells through altered Wnt signaling.
- Selective reduction of AMPA currents onto hippocampal interneurons impairs network oscillatory activity.
- The 22nd ion channel meeting, september 2011, France.
- The orphan receptor GPR3 modulates the early phases of cocaine reinforcement.
- Antinociceptive effect of peripheral serotonin 5-HT2B receptor activation on neuropathic pain.
- Genetic disruption of Pten in a novel mouse model of tomaculous neuropathy.
- Integrating neurotransmission in striatal medium spiny neurons.
- Concentration-dependent requirement for local protein synthesis in motor neuron subtype-specific response to axon guidance cues.
- Cellular anatomy, physiology and epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of Dcx knockout mice: a neuronal lamination defect and its consequences.
- Diazepam binding inhibitor promotes progenitor proliferation in the postnatal SVZ by reducing GABA signaling.
- Serotonin 5-HT2B receptors are required for bone-marrow contribution to pulmonary arterial hypertension.
- Hedgehog trafficking, cilia and brain functions
- 5-HT(2B) receptors are required for serotonin-selective antidepressant actions.
- Stimulating healthy tissue regeneration by targeting the 5-HT₂B receptor in chronic liver disease.
- Subventricular zone-derived neuroblasts use vasculature as a scaffold to migrate radially to the cortex in neonatal mice.
- "Small axonless neurons": postnatally generated neocortical interneurons with delayed functional maturation.
- Protein 4.1B contributes to the organization of peripheral myelinated axons.
- DARPP-32, Jack of All Trades… Master of Which?
- An alternative splicing switch regulates embryonic stem cell pluripotency and reprogramming.
- A human mutation in Gabrg2 associated with generalized epilepsy alters the membrane dynamics of GABAA receptors.
- The neuronal K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 influences postsynaptic AMPA receptor content and lateral diffusion in dendritic spines.
- Signaling from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in striatal medium-sized spiny neurons.
- Foxp2 regulates gene networks implicated in neurite outgrowth in the developing brain.
- The 21(st) Ion Channel Meeting, September 2010, France.
- Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 directly regulates murine neurogenesis.
- Hippocampal ripples and memory consolidation.
- Labeling neuronal membrane receptors with quantum dots.
- Cholinergic influences on cortical development and adult neurogenesis.
- Neuroscience. Ubiquitination inhibits neuronal exit.
- Neurotransmitter Dynamics.
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate-independent tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2B mediates cocaine-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation.
- [Addiction: an epigenetic story of histone methylation].
- Elevated phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate in glia triggers cell-autonomous membrane wrapping and myelination.
- Introduction of green fluorescent protein (GFP) into hippocampal neurons through viral infection.
- Combined microfluidics/protein patterning platform for pharmacological interrogation of axon pathfinding.
- The structure of innate vocalizations in Foxp2-deficient mouse pups.
- Generation and analysis of a mouse line harboring GFP in the Eomes/Tbr2 locus.
- Looking BAC at striatal signaling: cell-specific analysis in new transgenic mice.
- Mechanisms of locomotor sensitization to drugs of abuse in a two-injection protocol.
- Selective suppression of hippocampal ripples impairs spatial memory.
- Modified sound-evoked brainstem potentials in Foxp2 mutant mice.
- Activity-dependent tuning of inhibitory neurotransmission based on GABAAR diffusion dynamics.
- A humanized version of Foxp2 affects cortico-basal ganglia circuits in mice.
- Pten deletion in adult neural stem/progenitor cells enhances constitutive neurogenesis.
- Two novel CLCN2 mutations accelerating chloride channel deactivation are associated with idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
- Xenotransplantation of embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons into the developing chick spinal cord.
- Modes and mishaps of neuronal migration in the mammalian brain.
- A functional genetic link between distinct developmental language disorders.
- Tumor suppressor schwannomin/merlin is critical for the organization of Schwann cell contacts in peripheral nerves.
- The T-box transcription factor Eomes/Tbr2 regulates neurogenesis in the cortical subventricular zone.
- The location of DCX mutations predicts malformation severity in X-linked lissencephaly.
- Neuropathological phenotype of a distinct form of lissencephaly associated with mutations in TUBA1A.
- Homeostatic regulation of synaptic GlyR numbers driven by lateral diffusion.
- Prenatal activation of microglia induces delayed impairment of glutamatergic synaptic function.
- Epilepsy in Dcx knockout mice associated with discrete lamination defects and enhanced excitability in the hippocampus.
- A phosphatase cascade by which rewarding stimuli control nucleosomal response.
- DARPP-32: molecular integration of phosphorylation potential.
- GABA(A) receptor gamma 2 subunit mutations linked to human epileptic syndromes differentially affect phasic and tonic inhibition.
- Nocodazole-induced changes in microtubule dynamics impair the morphology and directionality of migrating medial ganglionic eminence cells.
- The GTP-binding protein Rhes modulates dopamine signalling in striatal medium spiny neurons.
- Conserved pattern of tangential neuronal migration during forebrain development.
- Large spectrum of lissencephaly and pachygyria phenotypes resulting from de novo missense mutations in tubulin alpha 1A (TUBA1A).
- How can drug discovery for psychiatric disorders be improved?.
- Modified receptor internalization upon coexpression of 5-HT1B receptor and 5-HT2B receptors.
- Single quantum dot tracking of membrane receptors.
- Magnetic resonance imaging and histological studies of corpus callosal and hippocampal abnormalities linked to doublecortin deficiency.
- Microglial control of neuronal death and synaptic properties.
- PGY repeats and N-glycans govern the trafficking of paranodin and its selective association with contactin and neurofascin-155.
- Quantitative changes in Galphaolf protein levels, but not D1 receptor, alter specifically acute responses to psychostimulants.
- The role of sleep in emotional processing: insights and unknowns from rodent research.
- Laminar and compartmental regulation of dendritic growth in mature cortex.
- Role of the neuronal K-Cl co-transporter KCC2 in inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission.
- Stefan AROLD
- Jianping FU
- Kim YONG
- Andrew McASKIL
- Marine KRZISCH
- William AMOYAL
- Fadel TISSIR
- Christophe FLEURY
- Victor CAZARES
- Elodie PERRIN
- Laurent NGUYEN
- Charlotte BOCCARA
- Emmanuel VALJENT
- Julia FUCHS
- Belen PARDI
- Bryan SOUZA
- Alan KAY
- William AMOYAL
- Stefan T. AROLD
- Sylvie GRANON
- Marine SALERY
- Xavier NICOL
- Stéphane AUVIN
- Luisa LOPES
- Guillemette CREPEAUX
- Juliette GODIN
- Rejane RUA
- Antoine ZALC
- Isabelle BRUNET
- Frédéric CAUSERET
- Grégory GAUVAIN
- Tamara CASPARY
- Mari SOSA
- Germán SUMBRE
- Sandrine BETUING
- Volker BORMUTH
- Vincent MAGLOIRE
- Maëva LUXEY
- Félix LEROY
- François TRONCHE
- Chin EAP
- Gilles FISCHER
- Stéphanie BAULAC
- David DUPRET
- Bassem HASSAN
- Huttner WIELAND
- Maxime ASSOUS
- Morgane BELLE
- Nathalie ROUACH
- David BLUM
- Gisella VETERE
- Laurent VENANCE
- Philippe FAURE
- Vincent PASCOLI
- Shubha TOLE
- IFM Young Researchers Day, 6th edition !
- IFM Colloquium 2024 "Signals and Circuit for Motivation and Movement"
- Junior Professorship in Neurogenomics/Neurogenetics
- 2024 DRN DAY
- Brixham Foundation 2023 Prize
- International symposium “Neuroimmunity, Development & Psychiatry”
- IFM Young Researchers Day, 5th edition !
- The IFM is recruiting a tenured zootechnician
- Biology & Engineering' inter-faculty day, Sorbonne University
- International colloquium “Epi/genetic architecture of psychiatric disorders”
- IFM Young Researchers Day, 4th edition !
- Call for candidates for the direction of the new Institute of Biology of Sorbonne University
- C-BRAINS: supporting Neuroscience et Cognitives Sciences in Ile-de-France
- IFM is preparing for the FENS Forum 2022 in Paris!
- Special IBPS seminar, November 26, 2021
- Mini symposium: AI and data science for biology
- i-Bio, for interdisciplinary research in biology: a retrospective of the first 18 months and perspectives
- Call for i-Bio Director
- The IFM is recruiting a Professor of Developmental Biology
- 2021 edition of the i-Bio PhD program
- Weekly seminars resume at the IFM
- i-Bio, an initiative for interdisciplinary research at Sorbonne University
- Network of Young Researchers Neuro-Day
- 2019 – International symposium of the IFM and NPS – “The Sleeping Brain”
Par équipe
- Ferent
- Francis / Goutebroze
- Gaspar
- Girardeau
- Girault
- Groszer
- Imaging Platform
- Mameli
- Maroteaux / Roumier
- Métin
- Nedelec
- Poncer / Lévi